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 Bend Me Over...

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Vincent Viceroy

Posts : 4348
Join date : 2008-12-29
Age : 56

Bend Me Over... Empty
PostSubject: Bend Me Over...   Bend Me Over... EmptyWed Nov 20, 2013 7:26 pm

Salem practically begged Major Tanus for permission to join the King's Fleet Special Forces. Salem had once again lost her sniper position for insubordination. She and her commanding officer Colonel Nicolas Sinatra had gotten into it about her deviation from the kill shot zone in the taking of her last target.

Salem did not perch in the appointed location choosing instead to pick out another location to ensure the kill shot. The colonel reminded the sergeant that her job is to be the sniper and not to make logistical decisions. Salem promptly reminded Sinatra that her job was to take out the target, nothing more and nothing less.

Salem had virtually exhausted all options in Starfleet. The King's Fleet has always been a home for the Starfleet castoffs. Tanus really wanted to have her skill set. She was the best shot he had seen since Autumn Laree.

Mickey came walking in as they were finishing up the interview, "What the hell is she doing here?"

Mickey glared at her cousin. Salem looked at Michigan, "I thought you would be happy to have another Todd in the unit."

"Penny, Tara, Scott and Rickey, yes. You, no!", Mickey growled.

"Please do not let Mickey influence your decision, Major. I am a great shot and I can really help the special forces here on the King's Fleet.", Salem looked at Tanus.

"My decisions will be based solely on performance, Sergeant and not on the opinion of Mickey Todd.", Tanus reassured Salem.

"Your right about that one. Sleep with Catherine Coren and now bring on board the Witch. You are batting a thousand now, Major.", Mickey stormed from the room.

Salem looked at Tanus, "What is her problem?"

"She has had a mad crush on me and recently found out that I have a child with the Betazoid officer. She was deeply hurt.", Tanus could not really understand why he felt comfortable giving personal information to the human.

He followed Salem into the holodeck to the test targets. Her reputation was well known but actually seeing her shoot was amazing. Tanus thought back to his early service on the USS / CGV Tanmesad and the first time he saw Autumn Laree shoot. Salem was that good.

Salem then pushed him back to follow the target on a dead run. Tanus looked at her, "The goal is to shoot the target from your current position!", he yelled.

Salem kept on running not listening to a word he said. She fired the kill shot taking down the fleeing Andorian target. Tanus glared at Salem, "I wanted to see a demonstration of shooting a fleeing victim, not of your athleticism."

"Do you know what happened to the last person who got in my face about procedure?", Salem barked right back.

"Look, Witch! I need you to kill the target How you do that is up to you.", Tanus looked at her.

"Holy shit, you are the first CO to ever say that to me. Bend me over and have your way with me.", Salem teased.

"Please, young lady. I am sure you know that there are limitations to my abilities with a human.", Tanus grinned.

"Seemed to work just fine for the Betazoid.", Salem winked and rubbed her hand on his uniform crotch as she walked from the holodeck.

Mickey was standing outside as the arch appeared and saw the finish. She glared at Tanus nashing her teeth, "You can have him, Salem. He already has made it clear he can't be faithful."

Mickey and Salem shared a glare.

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Sgt. Salem "The Witch" Todd
Marine Sniper
Special Forces
Dragons of the King's Fleet
Fleet brings the Flyers, Dragons bring the fire!!
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