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 A Hero's Welcome

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Vincent Viceroy

Posts : 4345
Join date : 2008-12-29
Age : 56

A Hero's Welcome Empty
PostSubject: A Hero's Welcome   A Hero's Welcome EmptyMon Aug 11, 2014 7:51 pm

It had been a while since there had been a ground incursion at Reykja Penthe. The rebels began launching random torpedoes into Cold Camelot. General Tanus had at first believed that the attacks had come from the Klingons but forces on the ground revealed that despite the weaponry being Klingon, the fighters were from Cardassia as forces loyal to Legate Phannell, likely with a weapons line from the office of Chancellor Kabarann himself.

The Cardassians can do the dirty work without causing political damage to Chancellor Kabarann. The Duke was put into office by Nicole Branson. He cannot be seen as trying to remove the Federation loyalists from the fringe of the Klingon Sector.

Phannell would have to agree to the subversive mission in exchange for help in the fourth attempt to remove the democratic republic of Minister Garak back home.

The ground victory outside Camelot driving the Cardassians back onto their Hudeks and off the planetoid was followed by a grand celebration hosted By Nicole Branson herself.

John Warren returned to the surface to help celebrate the victory. He was walking into the back room area when he saw Paul waiting for the victorious Tanus wearing a Gorn green mini dress, complete with a Princess Tiara.

Paul looked at his father, "Every hero needs a hero's welcome"

This will never be easy for John to swallow.

Posted By:

Nicole Branson
Reykja Penthe
Klingon Sector

Commander T'Zohl of Vulcan
Flight Commander
USS Quasar Quest
King's Fleet
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