Vincent looked out the viewer on Governor with Commodore Tan by his side, "My friend, things always change."
"That much is for certain.", the portly Hierarchy Clanner chuckled.
"I made a mistake, Tan.", Vincent rubbed his head.
"It all worked out.", Tan responded.
"The Betazoid Alliance is now in control of the Zaranite Battleship. Illyan Coren is now in control of Third Corinthians.", Vincent looked out at the former Cardassian occupied station.
"It is as it should be.", Tan responded.
"The question remains, are they with us?", Vincent asked.
"Admiral Amulette Laree is there. I put Colonel Autumn Laree in charge of the Apocalypse. These are dangerous people. Are they are on our side?", Vincent grumbled.
"They are here for the Omega Ash. They will protect it all costs. This makes them with us.", Tan observed.
"They want the burned wood. They don't want us.", Viceroy reminded his friend.
"We will be here watching them.", Tan reminded Vincent.
"I can't believe I did this.", Vincent complained.
"I should have seen it. Autumn left Star Fleet to serve as Chief Tactical Officer on the USS / CGV Tanmesad. She was a rogue then and she is a rogue now. I put her in charge when Colonel Beamon left for the surface. I had no idea that she would commandeered the Apocalypse and take the station by force with her so-called Sniper mercenaries.", Vincent grumbled.
"Its over now and we will deal with this.", Tan looked at Third Corinthians orbiting high above the Garden.
"It is what we do.", Tan responded.
Posted by:
Admiral Vincent Viceroy
Commander in Chief
King's Fleet
Commodore Tan of the Hierarchy
Commanding Officer - Governor's Station
Ephyra Colony
King's Fleet