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 Its Not Real...

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Vincent Viceroy

Posts : 4348
Join date : 2008-12-29
Age : 56

Its Not Real... Empty
PostSubject: Its Not Real...   Its Not Real... EmptyMon Nov 28, 2011 7:00 pm

The return had been a miracle. Brenna was in her glory playing with "Mommy Magic" and Nicole had someone to be with. The scenario seemed perfect. Nicole was getting back to getting the things done that are necessary to operate the colony.

She never thought anything until he was wrong. She got up in the morning and headed for the colony headquarters. Magenta got up and helped Brenna off for school. She had seen Nicole enter personal logs before. It was a running diary.

Magenta sat down to access the logs. She was stunned when the computer remmbered her voice and opened her previous logs. She was soon learning about her history. She had the memories but the images were not clear in her mind. The posts actually made her think about the past and helped her link up the images in her brain.

On a hunch, she looked at the screen, "Computer who has accessed these files."

The computer responded, "Colonel Acrylos Teero. Governor Nicole Branson and Dr. Tegora Vasa."

"Why did Colonel Teero access the files?", Magenta asked.

"For Project Branson 1111.", the Computer responded.

"Computer what is Project Branson 1111?", Dr. Coren asked.

"Project 1111 is classified.", the Computer responded.

"Computer Access Project 1111. Code Branson Alpha Alpha Omega Niner", Magenta remembered Nicole using the code in the past.

The image hovered in the air.

Magenta proceeded to learn about the death of Dr. Orchid Coren on multiple occasions. She proceeded to learn about the goal to make Branson whole again by re-creating her second great love.

Magenta sat down on the floor and started to cry, "It's not real... I am not real."

Magenta went to the colony complex to see Nicole. She looked at her and blurted it out as she started to cry, "It's not real.. I am not real."

She went up to the top of the building as Nicole chased her. She crawled up to the ledge and looked out, "It's not real."

"I love you. It is the 24th century. All kinds of love are possible. There are countless citizens of Ephyra who go to Ishka's every week to meet a fantasy girl. You are my fantasy. You are my magic. You are my heart.", Nicole begged.

Magenta stepped down, "I am not real."

Nicole kissed her, "Our love will make you real. You are real to me."

Magenta hugged and started to cry, "Make me real."

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