I wish to acknowledge that tonight, May 7, 2013, there were 19 readers on our forum site reading the hard work each and everyone has done over the past 1590 days, a remarkable 4.35 years.
We have been able to provide 2847 individual posts over the 4 plus years or an amazing 1.79 posts per day. The top ten posts have now enjoyed 8468 views, a big part of the nearly 70000 views that have occurred on the site.
I know this last couple of weeks have been tough. The summer work season is starting for me. Stan just changed jobs. Zoey is about to enter the home stretch in the school year. Leanne is in the peak of the summer audit season.
April had only 10 new stories, but May - in only 7 days - has already seen 23. We are going again.
Fantastic work,