"Take her out, Linds.", S'Nii announced as the Archangel entered the Cheron System to begins its mapping mission to better define the new borders between the Klingon Occupied Cheron Expanse, the vast open space and true Romulan space.
S'Nii had been warned of the dangers for the small single nacelle ship should it end up in Romulan space.
S'Nii looked at Lindsay. She knew that her love had went to Admiral Viceroy and begged him to give her another chance. Viceroy made the request to Colonel Teero. S'Nii could not be more grateful.
Lindsay finished the first shift and then briefed the night bridge crew before retiring. She was sitting on the bed with several stellar cartography PADDs in front of her when she heard Captain S'Nii begin her comment. She could not see Sunny.
"The legend says that Saehir Marrus seduced Nicole Branson in a white gown. Nicole was mesmerized by the beauty and released T'Ken and allowed for the theft of the Diana. It must have been one hell of a dress."
"What are you talking about?", Lindsay chuckled.
"I am hoping my gown is just that good; to mesmerize you and help you realize just how great you are.", Sunny suggested.
"It will have to be a helluva of gown.", Lindsay teased with a giggle.
S'Nii walked in.
Lindsay's jaw dropped. It was a helluva gown!
Posted By:
Captain S'Nii of Vulcan
Commanding Officer
USS Archangel
King's Fleet