Leviticus 18:23
And you shall not lie with any animal and so make yourself unclean with it, neither shall any woman give herself to an animal to lie with it: it is perversion.
The works of the followers of a human deity are rarely the concern of Vulcan but the words have haunted the learned reporter. Christine paced her quarters after having bedded down with the Antican General. Had she somehow committed an abomination and furthermore in their quest to produce a child had she sealed her fate in whatever eternal damnation is deemed fit by whatever deity presides over the Kingdom of Camelot.
Christine needed to know why something that seemed so special could be viewed by so many as wrong. Christine needed to understand the war between her logical conscience and her heart.
Bell got up and headed off to the barracks. He had a lot of work to do now. He had just this morning learned of the abandonment of the USS Independence by Starfleet. With the Retarnee returning, the Federation was setting itself up so that if a full scale attack would occur, there would be no obligation to protect the colony. Bell understood that now. He had seen it at Antican B7. The Federation had withdrew from The Borg. The Federation is withdrawing from the Retarnee today. Bell had work to do.
Christine tended to her duty as well. When the Antican returned home, Christine stood in the doorway.
"I believe in all faiths that God is Love. I love you, Bell and in that I know that faith exists. If that is wrong, then I am willing to risk it."
Posted By:
Christine T'Nley
Future mother of the Children of General Belvedere Brown
Observatory 642
King's Fleet