John had just approved the demotion of Lindsay Viceroy to Commander and approved Captain S'Nii for command of the Sunrise. This would be the fifth command for the Vulcan. She had a lot to prove but John admired the Romulan call.
Lindsay was devastated at her own failure. She had been on the comm with Admiral Vincent Viceroy discussing her demotion and her inability to fire on the Romulan base. Lindsay was feeling so distraught.
S'Nii invited her to the holo deck to run in the grass. Lindsay had no desire to play. Ironically, and perhaps illogically, it was. The Vulcan who insisted.
Lindsay was soon running and playing in the grass, acting more like a child than like the demoted executive officer of a starship. She soon removed her pants and began frolicking in the grass.
"Thank you, Sunny. This was such a good idea. I feel alive again.", Lindsay giggled.
"There is just one more thing.", S'Nii giggled.
"This is so wonderful, what one more thing could make this more incredible?", Lindsay wondered.
"We have gotten you out of your uniform pants, we just need to get you out of those panties.", S'Nii grinned.
Posted By:
Captain S'Nii of Vulcan
Commanding Officer
USS Cataria's Sunrise
King's Fleet