Tan stood at the operations console aboard the wej'veQ tapping away. He was content to just do his job. D venues walked over to his dear friend and put his hand on his shoulder, "We will find a way, Admiral."
Tan knew that he had been the sacrificial lamb in the information war with the resulting Klingon Empire driven by the isolationist policies of the Vulcan Purity Movement and the growing isolationism of the Federation. The Rhythm and the Tanmesad served its purposes. Starfleet had its information and also had the ammunition to bring the King's Fleet back into alignment with the other small regional fleets. Do your own thing and stay out of the big boys game.
Interplanetary politics and leadership are not the responsibility of the regional authorities or colonial governments. These are the responsibility of Startleet and the Federation. For too long, Starflet and the Federation democracy has catered to the smooth talking Branson and her all inclusive politicking. Too long, Starfleet had listened to Vincent Viceroy and the leadership of the King's Fleet.
"He will be okay.", S'Myy walked up behind the old Selayan.
"That he will.", Deveniss smiled.
Deveniss handed Tan a PADD document which displayed an inquiry into what Admiral Monica Montgomery knew about the Wasp class USS Rhythm Dennyson, about the Veltkamp-Hunt Observatory or the KFIA and its involvement with the front operation known as King's Fleet Medical. President Alexander Laree has ordered a formal inquiry into all of these activities. All hell is about to break loose in the politics of Federation One.
Posted By:
Commander T'Zohl of Vulcan
Voice of the King's Fleet Vessels
King's Fleet