The colonists have now had 1822 mission logs highlighting the day to day operations of the King's Fleet vessels or the activities of the civilian governments of the 6 colonies.
The colonists have now had 1620 personal logs highlighting the personal lives of the inhabitants of the colonies or the service men and women aboard the King's Fleet vessels. These personal logs are so critical to providing layers to the existence of the inhabitants of the colonies, particularly the non-playing characters and are a tribute to the fan fiction abilities of the writers on the simm. Fabulous job everyone.
There have 529 news items detailing new missions, forum counts and other important information for the writers.
This brings the total posts to 3988 posts over the past 2317 days as the colonist inch ever closer to 4000 posts, a remarkable achievement over the 6.34 years or 1.72 posts per day. In a word, wow!! This is such a wonderful world filled with wonderful characters.
There have been 11461 views of the top ten posts including one with more than 2000 views. This is wonderful. It means that people are actually reading our stuff. Great job!
Keep up the amazing work
Admiral Vincent Viceroy
Commander in Chief
King's Fleet