There have now been 4220 posts in the history of the colonies and the King's Fleet vessels beginning with the first post ever, Monday, December 29, 2015 when the forum was created by Stan W. in his in-laws basement out of fears over the stability of the new writing tool, Anodyne Productions Nova Platform.
Since that time there have been 1894 individual mission logs detailing the formal activity of the colonists and those men and women serving in the King's Fleet vessels protecting the colonies.
There have been 1755 personal logs detailing the almost steamy and erotic sex lives, personal lives and personal interactions of the 5 or 6 active players and more than 100 NPCs. This has created a vibrant and alive universe that helps keep us all writing.
There have been 455 news posts detailing the activity of the writers, new missions, new characters or new expectations.
There have been 21 updates to the colony database. These consist mostly of the award winners for the often exceptional posts that occur here on the colony.
The top ten posts on the forum site now have 11,870 views just for the top ten posts! The top post now has over 2100 views.
The news posts page one average is 32.16 views per post and there are 455 total. Using just the average, the news posts have approximately a conservative 14632 views. This gives the colony a conservative 26502 views.
The database posts have an average 114 views per post. This means that using the average, there have been 2394 views. This gives the colony a conservative 28896 views.
The mission posts have are not open to the public so they average 2 views per posts and there are 1894 of them or 3788 views and now the total is 32684.
The personal logs have a an average of 13.84 views per post. There are 1755 of them. This equates to 24219 personal log views on the forum site. Even using these conservative numbers, this gives the colony 56703 topic views.
Most of us conclude that the actual numbers are closer to 70,000 and continue on our quest to have 100,000 topic views as evidence that we have fans. Most of us write for our own enjoyment but there is a certain amount of fulfilment that comes from others reading what you have written.
Please keep up the amazing efforts,
Warmest thanks,
Admiral Vincent Viceroy
Commander in Chief
King's Fleet