"You won't be able to do it. You are way to vain.", Monica looked at Nicole.
"When I worked through my thesis on external appearance, I had two goals: one to help my mother with the Borg Disconnect features and believe or not two, to help the Vidiians with the phage. Now as we near Christmas 2395, I have a chance to help a large refugee population become humanoid once again. If that means dropping my own treatments, it is a sacrifice I am prepared to make.", Nicole looked back at the commanding officer of the wej'veQ.
"I think the first time you see yourself as a thickening 42 year old female and not a goddess, you will put yourself back in the line.", Monica chastised Nicole.
"And force a Vidiian child out of it? Not this time.", Nicole offered.
Monica asked Nicole to come out to the holosuite. Nicole had to see herself.
Monica wanted to tease Nicole. Nicole owned the bikini in her large body. Monica teased the big girl. Nicole laughed it off saying it was worth it to add 500 humanoids.
It will be interesting to see the governor in public now.
Posted by:
Nicole Branson
Reykja Penthe
King's Fleet