Kenzi was brought into the hospital at the age of 14 by Brooklyn family services. She had been in and out of foster care and had been brought in to King's County Medical to be treated for sexual interference.
Kenzi was treated by Dr. Nicole Branson. Nicole become very attached in a short time. Nicole was very sad to learn that the young lady was going to end up back in foster care. At age 14 and as damaged goods she is likely unadoptable. Nicole complained and was shocked when the offer was made for her to take Mackenzie home.
Nicole balked stating that she was a lesbian and perhaps not suitable. Family services said that as a lesbian, a city councillor and a doctor she was the poster child for older child adoption. Mackenzie was 100% in favour of the solution.
Nicole finally broke down asking Mackenzie if she could keep a secret. How was Mackenzie going to handle Bella? What pressure to put on a damaged child.
Posted by:
Dr. Nicole Branson
Foster Mom
Brooklyn NY