Charlene and Valerie leased property in the basement of the Renaissance to host the Excursion. The Exquisite Excursion has become a go to cop bar in the city of Brooklyn but more than that, by moving to the Renaissance, after the bar closed to the public at ten pm, it could open to the inhabitants and races of the temporal assignment.
The Excursion has become a rockin' place as the aliens who were housebound could finally have a release. Charlene and Val can be seen jumping around the dance floor. It was joyous to see.
On the third night after the big move, Dr. Nicole Branson debuted her relationship with the T'Waakian hybrid Dawn Keystone. Nicole came downstairs first and opened a few eyes by ordering two drinks. She grinned as Val gave her the two Vodkas.
Downstairs next came Dawn Keystone. She looked positively ravishing in a tight red dress.
Everyone of these aliens knew how the hormones surrounding Branson Beauty and T'Waakian hybrid genetics worked. The greater the human hormone production, the more human the appearance. Dawn had her donkey ears and tail, but little else in the way of non-human appearance. People knew what had been going on upstairs.
Valerie brought over a second round of drinks. Valerie looked at the two cuddling in the booth, "I am happy for the both of you."
Posted by:
Dr. Nicole Branson
In Public with Dawn Keystone
Renaissance Apartments
King's County NY