Colonel Tonys walked into the Archangel mess hall and saw Dr. Tremicia Pierce sitting alone at the table. He had not yet been well integrated into the crew but he felt the need to get a lick in. Sarcastically, Tonys looked at Tremicia and her plate and smiled at the black doctor, “Better food aboard the Archangel, eh, doctor?”
Tremicia knew the reference was to the Lexington and the cannibal history. She looked at the Gorn security officer and smiled, “Well, my dear new colleague, just be aware that I will do what is necessary to survive. On many planets, exotic animals are a delicacy.”
Tonys actually laughed. He truly admired the doctor’s handling of his sarcasm. Tonys went and got food from the replicator. He came back to the table, “May I sit, doctor?”
Tremicia smiled, “If you wish.”
Tonys looked at the human doctor and temporal anomaly, “I admire your gum-shin, doctor.”
Tremicia smiled back, “I am happy to have a man of your reputation as a sniper here to protect us as we do our work.”
Tonys smiled, “I promise not to let your praise down, doctor.”
Tremicia smiled at the Sniper turned Security Officer but sat silently as he sipped his wine.
“I am a pretty good shot. I don’t think we will have to wait for the others to die to eat.”, Tonys laughed.
“I feel better already.”, Tremicia smiled.
“Well you certainly look great.”, Tonys observed. He could not believe he just blurted that out.
Tremicia turned around and looked at the Gorn and then proceeded to drop her tray at the station. She looked back, her mind wondering about a Gorn…. A Gorn?
She could not wait to find Dr. T’Oy to tell her about the flirtatious moment. She giggled as she walked the corridor.