Nicole was furious. She however did not have the fact. She burst into her little Lakaria suburban house launch with both torpedo bays.
"How dare you be with S'Nii while I was away.", Nicole screamed.
"What! S'Nii. She was here to gloat about you being in prison.", Magenta responded, trying to hold Nicole.
"She showed me the pictures, Magenta. You and her were sitting by the fireplace. That freaking fireplace!", Nicole screamed.
"Its a set up Nicole. Its a set up.", Magenta screamed back. "She is a stalker out to ruin you for not being her girl."
"How do I believe you?", Nicole snapped.
"I am your damn wife.", Magenta screamed back, "That's how!"
Brenna came down and started to cry. She did not like them fighting. Nicole was embarrassed.
"Just go upstairs sweetie.", Nicole whispered.
"No wait.", Magenta ordered.
"Leave her out of this.", Nicole snapped.
"Brenna, did you ever see me and Captain S'Nii together outside the living room?", Magenta asked.
Nicole stared at Magenta furrowing her brow.
"No.", Brenna whispered.
Nicole was about to speak but Magenta interrupted, "Brenna, did I ever leave with Captain S'Nii or leave without you when Mommy Nicole was in the jail?"
"No.", Brenna whispered.
Nicole looked at Magenta, "I am gonna kill her."
Nicole stormed from the house. Magenta ran outside, "So you believe me now?"
Nicole turned back. She marched up to Magenta. She forcefully kissed her deeply on the mouth.
"I have some apologizing to do.", Nicole growled, still in a furor.
"But right now, I have something else to do.", Nicole took off.
Nicole let S'Nii have it with both torpedo bays. She had a lot of time to think in that cell.
S'Nii grabbed her arm, "There is a simple solution, Nicole. A couple actually. One - Dump Magenta and come to a real woman or Two - Resign and I will assume your position as Star Fleet Executive Officer."
Nicole smiled, "If you mess with my family again, there will be a third option - deciding which direction to point the space canon when they shoot your casket into space, Vulcan bitch!"
Nicole headed home. She had to apologize to Magenta.
Posted by:
Vice Admiral Nicole Branson
Star Fleet Executive Officer
Phoenix Colony
Phoenix Fleet