The broader context of society's rejection of homosexuality is clear: Homosexuality is a rebellion against logic's sovereign intention in creation, a gross perversion of society's greater good and perfect plan for order.
What logic makes clear is that homosexuality is a dramatic sign of rebellion against order and societal convention. Those about whom great Vulcans have written of those who chose emotion over logic. Thus, men and women have forfeited the natural complementarity of society's intention for heterosexual marriage and have turned to members of their own sex, burning with a desire which in itself is degrading and dishonorable.
The logical progression on the pink planet is undeniable. All logic shifts immediately from this description of rebellion against society as a whole to an identification of homosexuality - among both men and women - as the first and most evident sign of a society upon which everyone has turned on logic and good judgement.
This place now has Phillip Lexington as Governor. This man is yet another example of how logic has gone arry on this planet. These people will elect anyone. Commander T'tan stands at the Villa as a shining example of logic and society's greater good. This fine Vulcan woman should be governor. This fine woman should be standing with T'Loridel in negotiating the refuelling station not some flaming fire fighter, pun intended.
Posted by:
Christine T'Nley
Omega News Network
Phoenix Colony
Phoenix Federation