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 According to Plan

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Vincent Viceroy

Posts : 4348
Join date : 2008-12-29
Age : 56

According to Plan Empty
PostSubject: According to Plan   According to Plan EmptySun Oct 17, 2010 6:00 am

Clinton walked into the Federation Complex, "It is still down."

General Wayne looked at Colonel Teero, "We have to get this going. Productivity is the nature of a people. If the Omega Processing will not work, we will have to develop a secondary industry."

Teero looked at Bill, "We have to irradiate from Lambda Hydrae, just as the clouds in the Typhon Expanse did."

Bill looked at Acrylos, "I agree but how are we going to do that?"

General Kabarann walked into the Federation Complex. The hulking Klingon female looked at Acrylos, "If I show you how to complete this task, will you support me as Governor."

Bill looked at the Klingon, "Nicole Branson is our Governor."

Honey looked at Clinton, "Nicole Branson was elected in an emergency provision. This allowed for the leaders of the City States to force an interim governor to ensure continued governance of the colony in event of a crisis. The crisis is now averted and a popular election should be held. I will show you how to irradiate the Omega Molecules and then reestablish your Dilithium production. I will put everyone back to work. This will make me the popular choice."

Clinton looked at Kabarann, "General, I will not support you."

General Wayne, the Talosian lookd at Hon'Tihl, "Now Mr. Clinton, lets not be so hasty."

Acrylos could not believe the words out of the mouth of the Talosian. Teero looked at John, "General, please."

"If the Klingon woman can bring the sun to the colony, she would be reverred by my people. We are a working people. We grow restless, Colonel.", John looked back at Mr. Teero.

Honey walked over to the console and showed some of the interesting properties of the Klingon Neutral Zone. She grinned as Acrylos actually smiled, being impressed by her abilities.

Honey looked at Bill, "You should be happy. I am gonna put you back to work."

"Klingons came to the Migrant Worlds and took many of my people to work as slaves.", Bill grumbled.

"Migrants are slaves.", Honey turned around snapping at the Migrant.

Elora heard the words as she walked into the room, "Shut up, Kabarann."

"Relax, Commander. I won't enslave your lover... yet.", General Kabarann boasted.

Hon'Tihl looked at Acrylos, "Try it now."

General John Wayne, the Talosian Mayor of Osaka, pumped his fist in the air, "Yes!!"

Bill looked at the screens. His long gangly fingers activated the heads up display and he watched as the main stream of the factory came on line.

General Kabarann looked at John, "General Wayne, let's put the population back to work."

"Let's do that.", John smiled following her out the doorway.

Acrylos looked at Bill, "The monster is out of the cage."

"Inform the Governor.", Elora suggested.

The events of the next 2 weeks are an absolute blur. They passed by with a sheer pace of an out of control shuttle. General Kabarann had played the cards perfectly.

Nicole Branson was the kooky but lovable mother of the colony. Honey did not try to discredit that. Nicole however was the aloof, naive and almost incompetent who had resigned as Vice President in front of everyone during a crisis. This is a fact and was exploited beautiful by the Klingon General.

In the eyes of the populace, many unaware of the boasts by General Kodash Tovlar or the bastardized name of the colony, H'Atoria Minor, General Hon'Tihl Kabarann was the one who turned their bleak fortunes around. She had irradiated the Omega once more. The Klingon was often showed next to conveyors carrying the Omega Enriched Dilithium Sands into the factories in the major cities. The Omega Enriched Dilithium was once shown throughout the universe as purple and blue, now the Omega is a brilliant orange, the color of the Lambda Hydrae Sun.

Christine earned big ratings in the emergency election. Her ONN was again the most popular network in a new region. Christine always just reported the news. It was her job. The trouble is she was on Governor's Station. She was in Paris in 2390 with William Hunt. She saw what the Klingons are up to.

Christine went to New Terra when the invasion devastated the seat of the Phoenix Federation. Christine was on the Phoenix Colony when the House of Olarg seriously damaged her home. The Klingons are not to be trusted. Unable to occupy New Terra on a continuous basis, the Klingons have taken the Phoenix Colony without a shot being fired.

On October 15, 2390, General Hon'Tihl Kabarann stood on the steps of the Federaton Complex in Omega Prime, Capital of the province of Territory Omega, inhabited region of the Outpost 394 and proclaimed herself Governor of H'Atoria Minor.

Things are progressing according to plan...

Posted by:

Christine T'Nley
Covering the Election of General Hon'Tihl Kabarann
for the Omega News Network
Phoenix Colony
Phoenix Federation

Special Guest Appearance by

Colonel Acrylos Teero
Chief Engineer
Phoenix Colony
Phoenix Federation

Based Upon E-Mail Request from

Nicole Branson
Omega Academy Chancellor
Phoenix Colony
Phoenix Federation

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