"The Sarek is cleared for landing, Admiral T'Ora.", Commander T'tan announced looking over to Admiral T'Zer.
"Announce to Admiral Vincent Viceroy that the Vulcan High Commander is on Governor's Station. Ephyra will be the base of operations for the Vulcan defence against Legate Anwar.", T'Zer ordered.
"As you wish, Admiral T'Zer.", T'tan replied.
Vincent looked at Admiral Tim Veltkamp as the Star Fleet Representative walked into the room, "Preparations for a defence have begun. Bajor will not fall again."
Admiral Tim Veltkamp who oversaw the first Omega Planet and the first Omega Colony near Izar, between Betazoid and Bajor smiled at the prospect. The Admiral always had a soft spot for the two worlds, the very symbol of his first assignment in command in Star Fleet. He commanded the Omega Fleet in this sector.
"Admiral T'Ora and the Vulcans will bring an honor to our attempts to win back Cardassia; to give Cardassia back to the Hebetians; the civilian population.", Admiral Viceroy announced.
Tim smiled, "It has begun."
Posted by:
Admiral Vincent Viceroy
Commander in Chief
King's Fleet
Admiral Tim Veltkamp
Commander in Chief
Omega Fleet
Based on a concept developed by
Major General Acrylos Teero
Commander in Chief
Bajoran Fleet - Ephyra Sector