"You are an asshole, Vincent. Order the fu**ing marines to take the capital from Liz.", John glared at Vincent.
"And that right there is why you are not in charge, John.", Vincent looked at the USS Quasar Quest Captain.
"The Betazoids lied, Vincent. They took the colony without a shot being fired and now Illyan holds all the cards. Elizabeth is the Governor and the Betazoids have the trees.", John glared at Vincent.
Vincent looked at John, "This will play out. We will be here when the need arises."
John looked at Vincent, "The need arises, Vincent. You just don't see it."
Vincent looked at John and then out at the USS Quasar Quest on the platform outside New Governor's, "Your chariot awaits, Gladiator."
"That's right, Vincent, I am a gladiator. You used to be one too but associating with Branson and her "gonna make a home for everyone" cronies has left you something else. Look at the damn pips on your color. The King's Fleet pips are pink, Vincent. Pink! Nice job, Admiral.", John walked towards the door.
"Our time will come, Captain.", Vincent looked at John.
"It damn well better!", John stormed out.
Vincent was left looking out at Ephyra wondering...
Posted by:
Admiral Vincent Viceroy
Commander in Chief
Ephyra Colony
King's Fleet