Admiral Vincent Viceroy does not come back to Ephyra much but came to speak with Nicole about her budding relationship with Cheerful Vasa and the problems being faced by Star Fleet.
Viceroy asked that Captain John Warren be assigned to Branson on a regular basis to ensure that she does not get an opportunity to speak with the Betazoid engineer.
The pair met on Lt. Governor's but both Viceroy and Warren were there to direct Nicole over to their table. They did not need the pair mixing during the high tension of the recent Romulan invasion of Lakaria Kah'Less. Vincent and Star Fleet wanted to clearly understand the Betazoid control over the wormhole and the communication with the prophets through Emissary Nickel Nerah before moving closer to the Betazoids.
Viceroy had seen Illyan Coren at work. Illyan presents a loyal and perfect public face but the Betazoid Alliance under his command is very manipulating and will do anything to maintain access to the Beta Quadrant and the rebuilding Omega Planet. The residual radiation is now subsiding and the access to the Omega Sands is something that every member of the Federation is contriving to control. The Retarnee are no longer a threat and the resulting devastation has left the planet virtually unlivable but the sands remain.
Nicole and Cherry did get a chance to speak when the Betazoid Alliance was given permission to view the devastation of the Diana Graveyard to ensure that their vessels would know how to avoid the debris field. They stood in the Lt. Governor's Observation deck. Cherry looked at Nicole and announced, "I don't want anyone else."
Nicole felt the very powerful energy in those words.
Posted by:
Nicole Branson
Ephyra Colony
King's Fleet