Vincent was with Tim going over what rights the colony would have under the Cardassian Agreement. Veltkamp was continually getting distracted by the communicator. Vincent was losing his patience, "You sold us down the river and you are constantly avoiding me."
"Hey, Admiral, you try to find a home for 140,000 Twileks.", Tim scoffed.
"What the hell a Twilek?", Vincent asked.
Tim showed him the very beautiful race of aliens. Vincent laughed.
"What's so funny?", Tim grumbled.
"I bet the Cardassians would love to see 140000 tentacle haired aliens arriving on Ephyra.", Vincent chuckled.
"Would you?", Tim almost begged.
"It would be my honor.", Vincent could not wait to see Thua'ra and Vash to see this.
A beautiful bubbly little hottie came rushing into the room, "Lieutenant Lafayette Louisiana reporting for duty."
"This is going to be lovely.", Vincent giggled.
Posted by:
Admiral Vincent Viceroy
Commander in Chief
King's Fleet
Special Guest Appearance by
Admiral Tim Veltkamp
Commander in Chief
Omega Fleet
Star Fleet Senior Advisor