T'Ora was speechless when she saw the campus. She looked at Colonel Teero, "Amazing!"
"Now to fill it with students.", Rear Admiral T'Tan came walking up to Chancellor T'Ora.
Nicole looked at T'Ora, "It is yours to fill. The maintenance of all things Vulcan will serve all of the Federation."
James Hatherton came walking in, fresh with his new pips as Admiral and formal Head of Starfleet. He looked at T'Ora, "You are a very lucky person. You should be in prison."
T'Ora looked at Hatherton, "I was outside the law. I admit that and I have paid for my sins. I admitted that and resigned my commission as an Admiral and as head of Starfleet."
"I would kindly expect you to not refer to yourself as Admiral anymore.", Hatherton smuggly announced.
"I am okay with my current rank as Chancellor.", T'Ora smiled.
"You will never be more than a King's Fleet Chancellor.", Hatherton mocked.
"I am okay with that.", T'Ora smiled.
Hatherton looked at Branson, "If a large Vulcan population forms here, Starfleet will not support you as a voting block. The United Federation of Planets still considers you to be a renegade and not worthy of voting power."
"The United Federation of Planet recognizes the Vulcan population as a formal voting block. If they side with Branson, the Federation will recognize her authority.", T'Ora sarcastically responded.
Hatherton stormed from the room. T'Ora smiled. She turned to Branson, "Thank you for pointing back in the way of logic."
"Especially after all I did to you and Viceroy.", T'Ora reminded her stance against the King's Fleet and the colony.
"We are here to provide a home for all. It was the goal of the original Omega Colony and will forever be a goal.", Branson spoke like a believer.
T'Ora smiled.
Posted by:
Nicole Branson
Chancellor - University of Starfleet - Camelot
King's Fleet
Admiral Vincent Viceroy
Commander in Chief
King's Fleet