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 Breakfast With Lucinda

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Vincent Viceroy

Posts : 4348
Join date : 2008-12-29
Age : 56

Breakfast With Lucinda Empty
PostSubject: Breakfast With Lucinda   Breakfast With Lucinda EmptyMon Jul 21, 2014 8:35 am

Nicole had to meet with the Klingons again today. The negotiations had been very difficult. Every family claims lineage to the Chancellory. She was not looking forward to her day when she went for breakfast.

She went down to the a Academy food court to grab some fruit before taking a shuttle to Kronos. She was sitting at the table in a white dress when Lucinda showed up. Nicole had not yet changed into her uniform. She just wanted to be comfortable.

Lucinda sat down. Nicole had been briefed by her staff about Lucinda and the Pan'Taar search for relevance. She loved Marcus-Brutus and the work he had done here on the colonies. She had been told that Lucinda may not be motivated by romance at all. She may simply be making a political move.

As the young lady smiled, Nicole did not care what her motivation was. Lucinda could melt Reykja Penthe snow with that cute smile. Nicole could not help herself. She spread her legs so Lucinda could get a peak at her pink too. Lucinda told her that all she needed to do was ask.

Apparently she was asking.

Posted By:

Nicole Branson
Klingon Line of Succession Advisor
Klingon Sector
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