John walked into the quarters of his son Paul. Paul thought it was Tanus. Both John and Tanus had come to the wej'veQ for the Task Force Meeting. John walked around the corner to see Paul... Distinctly out of uniform.
Paul grabbed his shirt and quickly did it up.
"Oh my god, where is your... Your...", John muttered.
"I have gotten very good about tucking it away.", Paul could barely speak.
"I do not understand in an era of big end nano biotic surgery that you don't undergo gender reassignment. The surgery is commonplace now.", John asserted.
"You don't understand. I like being a man. I enjoy wearing the uniform. I am very proud of my service and my skills as an officer. I am a good man.", Paul responded.
"It is just in my private life, I enjoy being a transgendered male. I enjoy being a good woman and lover for Tanus. I like how it makes me feel.", Paul looked at John.
"You do look beautiful, son.", John choked on the words. Paul did look hot in the short cut shorts and western shirt.
Paul smiled, "I tried to wear the woman's clothing on the operations floor but it just wasn't me. Up there, I am Commander Paul Warren, Operations Tactician. Down her, I am Mrs. Tanus of Gorn."
"And I wouldn't want it any other way.", Tanus walked in.
John looked at the General, "Just please take good care of her... Him.., it..."
John turned to walk away.
"It will be my honor.", Tanus looked at his old friend.
"I am honoured to be a part of the Warren family.", Tanus looked at John.
The words made John cringe. He walked on.
This was never going to be easy.
Posted By:
Captain John Warren
Commanding Officer
USS Quasar Quest
King's Fleet