Patrick and Paul were sitting in Leo's enjoying a glass of wine. Paul was still in his operations gold and Patrick was still in his Engineering Red. Both had the same thoughts running around in their head. How was their man doing? Was he okay?
Patrick asked the only other man in the whole sector who might understand what Paul did to help Tanus know that they were still in love and that the man was missed.
Paul told Patrick that he always tried to look sexy when the General came home. He always put on his best wig and sexiest outfit. He knew that the General struggled with the homosexuality part so he always tried to put on an outfit with a padded bra to give the right bumps. If he wore panties, he would always make sure his male parts were well tucked in and if he was going to be naked, he always made sure to be laying face down on the bed to hide his manhood.
Patrick listened intently. He did not care about any snickering comments about the two girls sharing a quiet glass of wine. There was probably only one other person he could have this conversation with and that was Paul Warren.
Patrick knew that his Talosian had been deep into Klingon Territory with the fighter group after the Chariot incident. He was really worried about his friend. Taking Paul's advice, he wanted to make sure that Petrine knew there was a reason to come home. He showered to make sure he was perfectly clean. He dressed in a cute blue baby doll top and put on his best hair. Patrick first put on the matching blue silk panties but when they did not quite cover his manhood, he scrapped them all together.
Patrick lay on the couch. When Petrine came home, he would know why he was so careful and why he needed to come home safe. He had something to come home to.
Posted By:
Lt. Commander Patrick Hatherton
Shuttle Engineer
"Fighter Pilot Wife"
Reykja wej'veQ
King's Fleet