Monica and T'Ros stood with Vincent. The Romulan looked at the King's Fleet Commander in Chief, "The King's Fleet will be permitted to keep the Observatory for use in stellar cartography and the Platform as an important layover point but the KFIA must be shutdown and the special forces needs to be reassigned to the marines."
"So we lose everything.", Vincent looked at the table top display with the regional fleet document.
"Including the Oberth Class.... Because of the modifications to make it effective as a espionage vessel, this is considered a violation of the regional fleet agreement.", Monica added.
"The ship is named for Peter Warren who gave his life in the Andorian Armada uprising and lost his monument when the Pavilion was destroyed.", Vincent almost whined in response.
"The ship will continue service in Starfleet. The legacy will be assured.", Monica tried to reassure Vincent.
"This is her fault.", Deveniss pointed at Nicole. Nicole could feel the death stare. Nicole had risked everything to try to turn a losing case into something.
"Starfleet realizes the successes of the assistance in stopping the Breen Advance and will still allot the King's Fleet another vessel and hopes the fleet will use the medical support vessel with the same pride as the Peter Warren.", Monica offered a small appeasement.
"This is a total loss and a disgrace.", Deveniss offered.
"Admiral Deveniss can have command of his station back.", Tan walked in holding hands with the Vulcan S'Myy.
"This will work well.", Vincent observed, "The Romulans have requested an observer so Saehir Marrus can fulfilled that role."
"As long as her loyalty to the Romulan Star Empire is assured.", T'Arren had joined the break-out session.
Saehir glared at T'Arren. There was so much tension in the room.
"The ropyaH Qach is an old original building and a remnant of the Klingon colonies that preceded the King's Fleet. It would be a great legacy for the KFIA if its buildings were donated to the Qach.", Admiral Tan observed.
Deveniss glared at Tan. The Hierarchy clanner was in love once more and was suddenly a softy at heart. The fleet may as well make something out of this mess.
"Do you want us to proceed with the plea bargain or are you prepared for the Romulan Star Empire to put the entire King's Fleet Charter on the table?", Praetor T'Ros looked at Vincent.
Vincent looked at Monica and then at his senior command. There was a lot of hurt feelings all around. He took a deep breath, "We accept."
Monica looked at Vincent and Deveniss, "Do you know who leaked the picture of Branson between my legs to the Romulans?"
Deveniss gasped. Monica winked, "Know your place gentlemen. This will always be about Starfleet. We cannot have a regional authority getting credit for bringing down the Breen, involvement in stopping the Andorians or rescuing a Cardassian prime minister. Those successes must be Starfleet successes."
Her jealousy was on full display.
Posted By:
Admiral Vincent Viceroy
Commander in Chief
King's Fleet
Nicole Branson
Legal Representative
KFIA Hearings
King's Fleet
Christine T'Nley
Information Officer
King's Fleet