"Hold steady, commander.", John looked at T'Zohl.
The Romulan Bird of Prey de-cloaked in front of the Quasar Quest. The giant ship dwarfed the sovereign class Double Q. T'Zohl turned around looking at John as the human stood up, "On screen."
D'Vreenk Suran looked at Captain Warren, "Despite your history, Captain, your ship is no match for the Talon."
"Agreed, Admiral Suran.", John looked at the fast rising Romulan.
"Stand down, then.", Suran ordered.
"I will not.", John looked at the Romulan, "You see Admiral. If you move against the Quasar Quest representing the United Federation of Planets as a peacekeeper in the Klingon Civil War, it will be seen as an act of aggression against a new Federation member. It will create an interplanetary incident that could potentially lead to 80000 vessels baring down on the Romulan Star Empire. Though there again the Romulans will likely win a full interplanetary war, the devastating war will leave all parties in a isolationist state ending most exploration and advancement. These are far less than ideal outcomes."
D'Vreenak Suran turned off his viewer. He knew that John was right. The Romulan stood up pacing as well. He looked at Saehir, "Is he bluffing?"
Saehir had been a former lover of Captain Warren, "He is not bluffing."
D'Vreenk reactivated the viewer, "Soon the House of Larle will replace the House of Kabarann and a Romulan loyal government will remove the Klingons once more from the Federation and this silly experiment will end. The Klingons are a proud people and they should not be another wheel in your democratic machine. This incident is moot."
"Admiral Suran, you are forgetting one thing.", John smiled, "The most qualified and respected member of the House of Larle is Dr. Chikace Larle and she serves with the King's Fleet."
John turned off the viewer. There was about a 15 minute delay in silence and then the Romulans cloaked and disappeared from the scene.
The gorgeous Vulcan turned around, "You know that the likelihood that the chosen tactic has of success lessens with each test. Logically speaking, you should avoid its use so often."
John smiled, "D'Vreenak may be an uppity despot but he is not a fool."
"The lust for power can make you illogical.", T'Zohl warned.
John put his hands on her shoulders, "I will take it under advisement, Commander."
Posted by:
Commander T'Zohl of Vulcan
Flight Commander
USS Quasar Quest
King's Fleet
Admiral Vincent Viceroy
Commander in Chief
King's Fleet