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 Couples Therapy

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Vincent Viceroy

Posts : 4348
Join date : 2008-12-29
Age : 56

Couples Therapy Empty
PostSubject: Couples Therapy   Couples Therapy EmptyTue Dec 29, 2015 7:14 am

"How could you accept such a position?", Bell shouted at Christine.

"Romulans driven out by D'Vreenak Suran need a place to go and a place with structure and leadership. Rhodes can be a symbol of such an alternative.", Christine snapped back.

"We worked so hard to get you into a position of respect as Executive Officer of the wej'veQ and you abandon it for this? What the hell are you thinking.", General Brown shouted.

"First of all, the broadcasting position was well respected. Just because you and your dogs wanted to control the truth does not mean it is not a respected value of an active culture. Freedom of the press is a cornerstone of all high functioning societies.", Christine lectured.

"This is why I broke the story of the attack on President T'tan. I know it was a Romulan plot. D'Vreenak wanted to bring the Romulans back to the position of the evil empire. Romulus has been hampered by the same Temporal attacks that crippled the Klingons for nearly an entire year. He is an evil man. Rhodes must be the alternative that Vorta'Rome once was in the Beta Quadrant.", Christine did not allow the General a word in edgewise.

"Why do you have to be a part of that?", Bell almost whined. It was hard to see the respected general acting like an impetuous lover.

"Because Senator T'Ros is a symbol of the Romulan government; the old ways. If she is at the head, it will seem more like a rebel base than an alternative. It must not be that way or all of Reykja Penthe will be at risk.", Christine looked at Bell.

"The Phoenix Colony was a symbol that the great cultures of the known universe can live together in peace and harmony. Cities like Vorta'Rome and Boston were places that espoused the greatness of these cultures with creating a warring rivalry. We can be that again. Romulans can live here in peace.", Christine explained.

"Madam Mayor, we have a problem.", Agent Seta T'Ros interrupted the confrontation.

Seta is a known member of the Tal Shiar who frequented the Exquisite Excursions of the colony gathering intelligence. Bell knew the Romulan and glared at him.

"Go ahead, Seta.", Christine looked at the Romulan.

"R'Limus is here in Rhodes.", Seta announced.

"But how?", Christine looked at the Romulan agent.

"I do not know, Ms. T'Nley but I would be very wary if I were you.", Seta warned.

"Who is R'Limus?", Bell demanded.

"We believe...", Christine started to speak.

"Are you certain?", Seta looked at the Vulcan-Romulan hybrid.

"I have no secrets from Bell.", Christine looked at her Antican mate.

"We believe R'Limus Hwarienh is the Romulan agent who attempted to kill President T'tan.", Christine announced.

"And he is likely here to assassinate either Senator T'Ros or Mayor T'Nley.", Seta announced.

"I will inform General Tanus immediately.", Bell responded.

"I will not have marines on my streets. No Romulans will come if that is the case.", Christine sternly looked at Bell.

"Agreed. This is a special forces operation; strategic and invisible.", Bell responded.

"Inform your agents that R'Limus is Dark Vega. He was trained by a Vulcan Elite Guard master as part of the hope to reunite the Vulcans and Romulans. His skills in hand to hand combat would be unrivalled by anyone in the King's Fleet Marines.", Seta warned.

"You underestimate us, Agent.", Bell responded.

"I do not. That is the worry.", Seta repeated his warning.

Posted by:

Christine T'Nley
Mayor of Rhodes of Romulus
Reykja Penthe
Protected by the King's Fleet

Admiral Vincent Viceroy
Commander in Chief
King's Fleet
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