"Commander Warren, I regret to inform you that in your absence, Captain John Warren and myself engaged in a sexual relationship. Being Vulcan, there was no emotional connection. I was only satisfying a need of my Captain.", T'Zohl bluntly and without emotion looked at Samantha.
"Dear god! Were there any others?", Sam looked at T'Zohl.
"Captain Warren engaged in a sexual relationship with Commander Dawn Keystone, his current Executive Officer. I am given to understand that theirs too is a relationship of convenience.", T'Zohl bluntly explained.
"God!", Samantha exclaimed once more.
"You have been away for a long time, Commander.", T'Zohl stoicly observed.
"And what of you, Commander? And a Gorn named Tanus.", T'Zohl prattled back.
"We read poetry and looked at the stars. We never had sex. Can they have sex? Like humans?", Samantha looked very puzzled.
"Apparently so. Major Tanus, Teena Laree, Dr. Meadow Coren and his current Dr. Madison Laree are proof of that. Even Dr. Hulanen Laree would be proud of his experiments.", T'Zohl grinned.
Samantha looked at T'Zohl, "Why did you come here?"
"I thought you should know.", T'Zohl responded.
Samantha slumped on the ground, "I should have starved to death."
"Apparently you tried.", the Vulcan responded without emotion.
Posted by:
Commander T'Zohl of Vulcan
Flight Commander - USS Quasar Quest
Ephyra Colony
King's Fleet