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 Robert E. Leo's Personal Log - Fears and Overwhelmed

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Vincent Viceroy

Posts : 4345
Join date : 2008-12-29
Age : 56

Robert E. Leo's Personal Log - Fears and Overwhelmed Empty
PostSubject: Robert E. Leo's Personal Log - Fears and Overwhelmed   Robert E. Leo's Personal Log - Fears and Overwhelmed EmptyMon Dec 29, 2008 5:55 pm

Robert could not believe his fortune and misfortune at the same time. He was sitting in Rear Admiral Jake Anderson's office. He was authorizing the power grid arrangement and authorizing the garbage pick up contract. He was was also acknowledging the Academy use of Full Weapons in orbit aboard shuttles. He had no experience in these types of Civilian Affairs. He was a police officer and little else.

He had heard rumors that Rear Admiral Nicole Branson of Sigma Station Alpha, orbitting high above may be looking to take over the Academy and the role of Mayor. He would welcome the help. This however is unconfirmed.

Robert just wanted to keep the colony functional until he got some help. That was his only goal.

Posted by:

Officer Robert E. Leo
Interim Deputy Mayor of Omega Prime
Omega City Emergency Services
Omega Prime
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