"You will issue an apology for the image of Lindsay Viceroy placed on your nightly broadcast.", Vincent looked sternly at Christine.
"I will not.", the Romulan hybrid looked at the Admiral.
"Look here, Vincent. From the very moment, years ago when you approached me about srving as Information Officer on the original Omega Colony, we had an understanding that I would have Freedom of the Press. I will be damned if recent setbacks are going to take that from me.", Christine snapped.
"Lindsay is a damn fine officer and one of the most competent Tactical Technicians ever to serve in Starfleet. She took a pathetic Galor Class and fought the Borg at Amleth Prime. She will not be trounced by your stupid RDTV.", Vincent growled.
"She may be all those things but the facts will speak in the court of public opinion. You know damn well she is best known for f**king the Vulcan. She is not known as a Tactical Officer.", Christine shouted.
"You loved it when I skewered Branson for her relationships and I would think you would thank me for pointing out the incompetence of a member of your command staff.", Christine went on the offensive.
"Obviously, you cannot do it or the colony would not be sucking Ferengi d**k!", Christine launched into Viceroy.
Vincent looked at Christine, "I alone will assess my staff and you need to remember that it was Captain Warren and Captain S'Nii who were at the forefront of the Ferengi Trade Fleet when the liberation occurred. These vessels give you the freedom you have today."
"Or would you rather some Romulan read your reports and you not have the freedom to post pathetic pictures of my niece bottomless to improve your ratings.", Vincent stormed from the room.
Commander Pac Pan'Taar came walking up the stairs only to be brushed off by the Admiral. He had heard the headed exchange.
"He is right, you know.", Pac looked at Christine.
"Get out of my office!", Christine snapped.
Pac looked stunned but followed the Admiral. Christine rested her head in her hands. Had she gone too far this time?
Colonel Belvedere Brown came walking up the stairs. He could see that Christine was struggling, "I am ready to take you to the front for the pictures you wanted for tonight."
"Thanks, Bell. I could use some time away from here.", Christine grabbed her tricorder, camera and kit.
"Is everything okay?", the Antican looked at his former girlfriend.
She leaned into the legendary dog, "I think I went too far."
She began to tell the story of her criticism of Captain S'Nii and the letter to the editor. Bell just listened. Christine nuzzled into her protector as the land rover hovered to the Romulan battleground.
Camelot was never quiet.
Posted by:
Admiral Vincent Viceroy
Commander in Chief
King's Fleet
Written over MSN with
Christine T'Nley
Reporter - RDTV
King's Fleet
Special Acknowledgement to
Commander T'Zohl of Vulcan
Voice of the King's Fleet Vessels
for her amazing letter to the editor response
to the Double V Editorial