Nicole watched in amazement as Elizabeth Coren worked her magic moving the major players in the control of the Latinum like pawns. John too felt out of place as the Betazoid Vice Admiral convinced the Ferengi and the Orion to play nice while at the same time convincing Praetor T'Ros to allow a trading vessels to come to Camelot without a Romulan threat.
Nicole had played chess with Elizaabeth many times over Orchid and Magenta. Hell, Nicole had even slept with her. Elizabeth was on her game.
T'Ros looked at John., "Well played Admiral Warren. A Betazoid in charge would serve you and your little playthings well."
John felt the biting words right to his core. He went to see Nicole, Admiral Tan and Admiral Deveniss, "We all knew this day would come. I have tried to be the boss before. It is just not in my nature. A small crew I can handle but the entire fleet, I struggle with. It is just not in my nature."
"Then who shall do it.", Tan offered.
"Praetor T'Ros suggested that a Betazoid should be given the opportunity.", John offered.
"Since when we do we take advice from Romulans or put a former enemy in charge of everything.", Nicole grumbled.
"I will consult with Admiral Viceroy. I will address all concerns.", Deveniss offered.
"You understand Mr. Warren, there will be a reduction in rank.", Deveniss looked at John.
"As long as I get my ship back.", Warren looked at the Selayan, not willing to just be bullied because he admitted he could nit run the whole fleet.
"That is up to Captain T'Zohl.", Deveniss looked at John.
John keft for the Quest. He had a difficult question to ask.
Posted by:
Admiral Vincent Viceroy
Starfleet Command
Nicole Branson
King's Fleet
Captain T'Zohl of Vulcan
Task Force Commanding Officer
King's Fleet