"Dear god, Micheal. What the hell are you doing here?", Nicole looked at Captain Micheal Montgomery. His very face made her stomach turn.
"I have been invited to teach in the Academy by Admiral V'Roi and Admiral Vincent Viceroy.", Michael looked at Nicole.
"Captain Montgomery, I am so glad you responded to my letter.", Commander T'Zohl joined the faculty in the instruction room.
"Commander, this man is the brother of the man who abused me.", Nicole looked at T'Zohl.
"Governor, this man has more command experience than anyone in the fleet except for John Warren. He can help prevent another Black Orchid incident. Lolli Gral was my friend. We cannot have another incident like that again. I won't allow it. If I have to get General Kabarann herself to instruct these kids, we are not going to lose another kid.", T'Zohl lectured.
Nicole looked at Vincent. She always had his ear. He always supported her. Vincent looked at her, "This is why there are Vulcans here. They look at the world with a logical approach and not an emotional one. Commander T'Zohl has been many things for us, Governor Branson. She has been a teacher, the best pilot in the fleet and now she can be a trusted advisor. Captain Montgomery is going to help us protect the youth in our fleet."
Nicole looked at Vincent, "But Vincent."
Vincent looked at Nicole, "This is a command decision. Commander T'Zohl is 100% correct. We will not have another incident like the Black Orchid. It has cost Kiera Tanus her rank. It cost Rear Admiral Deveniss his job as a commanding officer. These people are under my command but more than that they are my friends. It won't happen again."
Posted by:
Commander T'Zohl of Vulcan
Flight Commander
USS Quasar Quest
King's Fleet
Admiral Vincent Viceroy
Commanding Officer
King's Fleet
Chancellor Nicole Branson
Chancellor of the Nancy Branson Academy
Camelot, Medara
Starfleet Regional Academies