Bobbi-Lee has been told by her parents that staying on the Phoenix Colony is not recommended. The Federation is recommending that all loyalists leave the colony, particularly after the losses at Outpost 294. Greg and Hanna have asked Bobbi-Lee to return home.
After much debate, she has inclined to believe them. She stood in Vincent's office announcing that she was leaving him, leaving the colony and leaving the Phoenix Unification.
The sad truth is Commander T'tan, renovating the former Vulcan school at Venice, to renamed the Villa, Vulcan Independent Liberty Learning Academy, has agreed to put her own version of Bobbi-Lee Ale, Coffee and Kanar in the Villa. Bobbi-Lee has become the very success her parents hoped to see and they were taking that from her.
The pair shared a hug and Bobbi-Lee boarded a small craft heading for Wells City and then for Federation Space. This was the end of one of the great relationships in the Colony history.
Vincent finally understood what it meant to separate from the Federation. It was finally personal. He would not wish this on anyone.
Separation is a horrible, horrible thing.
Posted by:
Commodore Vincent Viceroy
Commanding Officer
Phoenix Colony
Phoenix Fleet