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 Reconstruction over Destruction – No Dogs in the House

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Vincent Viceroy

Posts : 4348
Join date : 2008-12-29
Age : 56

Reconstruction over Destruction – No Dogs in the House Empty
PostSubject: Reconstruction over Destruction – No Dogs in the House   Reconstruction over Destruction – No Dogs in the House EmptySun Sep 27, 2009 7:02 am

The Anti-Vulcan sentiment had boiled over. After an address to the students by radicals, the riots started. Soon the students were rushing through the city and lighting things on fire. Robert tried to quell the riots but the students were soon heading for the Villa.

T'Tan contacted the Civilian Government begging for help. The Villa was just finishing its rebuild after the terror of the occupation. She did not want any more damage. She begged for help. Governor Greene did not know what to do now that the Police had failed to quell the riots. She hated to do it. She did not want to do it.

Skye called Vincent in the Star Fleet headquarters, "Commodore, I need your help."

"We cannot get there in time but I believe the Anticans could intercept the rioters.", Vincent explained.

"We have to stop this.", Skye explained.

Vincent contacted Ferdinand Fidelas who immediately dispatched Colonel Belvedere Brown. The Dogs were looking for work. They had not been on high alert since the liberation. The Dogs drove the students back to the campus.

Dr. Greene and Commodore Viceroy met them at the Campus. Skye looked right at the Colonel, "We want the military to withdraw from the city as soon as possible."

Bell looked at Skye, "Your welcome."

His sarcasm was clearly evident. Vincent turned to his friend and stuck out his hand, "Thank you again, my friend."

Belvedere smiled, "Your welcome, Governor."

Skye snapped, "I am the Governor."

"Ok.", Bell winked at Vincent. Skye was not amused.

"I would appreciate it if there was not such a great military presence in the Capital gentlemen. We are establishing civilian rule.", Skye informed both men.

Robert walked up, "Thank you, gentlemn."

He totally stole her thunder.

"We are leaving. We know when we are not welcome.", Belvedere responded.

"Not without a drink, you're not.", Robert laughed.

"Bobbi-Lee has opened BLACK only for those who saved our city.", Robert smiled.

"Who-wahhhhhh!", came the roar from the crowd.

Robert looked at Skye, "Working together is the best option. Coming for a drink, Governor."

Skye looked at Robert, "I don't think I would be welcome."

Bell heard her and looked back, "A win is a win, Governor. Come and enjoy."

Posted by:

Commodore Vincent Viceroy
Star Fleet Commanding Officer
Phoenix Colony
Phoenix Fleet

Capt. Robert E. Leo
Emergency Services Director
Phoenix Colony
Phoenix Fleet
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