Vincent had not been across the hall in a long time. The colony was once again in political chaos. The incident involved Governor Greene only served to bring to a boiling point the tension between the civilian government and Star Fleet Command on the colony. Vincent was upset to see that some of the paperwork had not been getting done under Skylight Greene. He set to work to reorganizing the structure. He had already put the call into Nicole. She was very good at this part.
Vincent then prepared to address the colonists.
"It is my duty on this date, Stardate 66481.20 to dissolve the civilian government of Dr. Skylight Greene and formally announce an election to occur on Thursday, November 19, 2009. The colony citizens will got the poles to select a new governor. The candidates are as follows: Each of mayor's of the cities within the colony including interim governor Cleveland Powers of Well City as well as representatives of Star Fleet Commodore Vincent Viceroy and Vice Admiral Nicole Branson. Dr. Skylight Greene, the current governor will also be given the opportunity to return to power at the support of the citizens of the colony. It is your home. Vote for your rights.", Vincent spoke with the dignity that made him respected within the Phoenix Fleet and on the colony itself.
Vincent and Bobbi Lee hosted a gala as each of the mayors announced their candidacy for governor.
Commodore Viceroy looked positively radiant and appears to be the front runner.
Posted by:
Commodore Vincent Viceroy
Candidate for Governor 2388
Phoenix Colony
Phoenix Fleet