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 Where Honor Lies... – A Jury of my Peers

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Vincent Viceroy

Posts : 4348
Join date : 2008-12-29
Age : 56

Where Honor Lies... – A Jury of my Peers Empty
PostSubject: Where Honor Lies... – A Jury of my Peers   Where Honor Lies... – A Jury of my Peers EmptySun Dec 20, 2009 7:15 pm

Cleveland Powers got out of a hover limo, not a prison car. He joked to the press, "Prison cars are for prisoners. I am no such thing. I am a hero."

There were plenty of boos but with the Vulcan sentiment remaining from the Empire of V'Ros. Cleveland Powers walked into the courtroom in his traditional Blue Suit. He was the picture of confidence.

Cleveland walked up and put his briefcase on the table and smiled at the young Federation JAG officer in his dress blues who looked over at the giant of regional law. Powers is charged with Interplanetary Terrorism but he did not look like a criminal at all. He looked like a genius.

The judge walked in and instructed both attorneys to make their submissions based upon the case file prior to jury selection. The JAG officer informed the court that the prosecution was ready to proceed.

Cleveland stood up and looked up at the tribunal. On the panel sat Commodore Vincent Viceroy and Vice Admiral Nicole Branson, Governor Tabrine Mandu, Tokyo Mayor Magenta Coren-Branson, new Wells City Mayor Lindsay Viceroy and Dr. Skylight Greene. Cleveland actually gave a little chuckle.

"Your honor, I ask that Magenta Coren-Branson be removed from the tribunal. She has a personal bias towards Vice Admiral Nicole Branson.", Cleveland began.

Magenta stood up, "What?"

The judge looked at Magenta, "Mrs. Coren-Branson, please sit down."

"The court recognizes the potential for bias and removes Magenta Coren-Branson as requested.", the judge continued.

Magenta looked at Nicole, "This is bullshit!"

"No ma'am, it is justice.", Cleveland continued.

"Furthermore, Judge, I would like a court order put in place that Magenta Coren-Branson have no contact with Nicole Branson during the trial. There is a potential for influence on the outcome.", Cleveland continued.

"They are married.", Vincent snapped back.

"Your honor, I move for a mistrial on the grounds that the Star Fleet Executive Officer is not impartial and I cannot receive a fair trial.", Cleveland grandstanded.

"There will be no mistrial in the preliminary hearing. Magenta Coren-Branson is ordered to be sanctured in the Federation Complex for the term of the trial.", the judge ordered.

Phillip Lexington, the Phoenix Colony Fire Chief stood up, "This is bullshit! Lt. Commander Coren-Branson had it correct. He placed a bomb that killed innocent industrial workers and the wife of Nicole Branson is imprisoned. Perfect. Now that's justice!!"

The judge ordered the fire chief removed from the court room. Phillip stood up and started screaming, "People died. Remember that. 2 F**king fireman died too."

Cleveland Powers turned to the judge, "I move for a ...."

"There will be no damn mistrial, Mr. Powers.", the judge interrupted.

"Please continue. Do you have any further submissions.", the judge ordered.

"I move that Commander Lindsay Viceroy be removed from the tribunal. She has a vested interest in seeing me found guilty. She has appropriated my job.", Cleveland continued.

Lindsay stood up and silently started to pack her stuff. Vincent glared at Cleveland.

The judge looked at Powers, "If there is nothing further...."

Cleveland looked at the tribunal and the judge, "We have only just began my dear."

He was patronizing and self confident.

"I am charged with these crimes by the civilian government and not by Star Fleet. I am not nor have I ever been in Star Fleet. I cannot face an attorney from the Judge Advocate General. It is not an appropriate prosecution. If you proceed, I will move for mistrial and walk out that door.", Cleveland had saved his ace for last.

Everyone in the court ouhh'ed and ahhhh'd. They thought the Colony leadership had already been bested by Powers and his keen legal mind.

The judge dismissed the JAG officer and then looked at the tribunal and then out into the crowd.

Commander T'tan, Vulcan Mayor of the Villa had walked in and was standing at the back of the room. She walked slowly to the front.

Cleveland glared at her. What was she doing?

T'tan entered the court area. She looked at Mr. Powers and then at the Tribunal.

"If it pleases the court, I will serve as prosecution. Mr. Powers attempted to wrong the Vulcan people, the citizens of the colony and the citizens of the Pheonix Federation. You will note my creditials as head of the Vulcan Academic Learning facility here on the colony. I am qualified to make the prosecution.", T'tan continued.

"She has federation rank. She cannot prosecute.", Powers looked flustered for the first time.

Vincent smiled, "Her rank is honorary based on her diplomatic status. She did not attend the academy nor has she served on any Star Fleet Vessel."

The judge looked at Cleveland Powers, "I will allow it. Commander T'tan is permitted to prosecute."

The court room erupted in a frenzy.

This is not going to be easy.

Posted by:

Commodore Vincent Viceroy
Star Fleet Commanding Officer
Phoenix Colony
Phoenix Fleet

based upon Law and Order Idea from

Vice Admiral Nicole Branson
Star Fleet Executive Officer
Phoenix Colony
Phoenix Fleet
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