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 Where Honor Lies... – Reception

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Vincent Viceroy

Posts : 4348
Join date : 2008-12-29
Age : 56

Where Honor Lies... – Reception Empty
PostSubject: Where Honor Lies... – Reception   Where Honor Lies... – Reception EmptySun Dec 20, 2009 7:17 pm

Tan and Caitlin, his personal attache walked into the lounge where Lara had been so sociable before. He smiled when he saw his personal psychologist. He walked up, "Lara, my dear. Would you be able to handle about 75 people in about 1 hour?"

Lara nodded, "With some rearranging I could."

"This is sort of a spur of the moment thing, but Nicole and Magenta would like hold the reception here. It would include the Colony command staff, the Tanmesad senior staff and the membership of the office of President Hunt.", Tan explained.

"Fine with me." Lara winked, "Give me 45 min and I'll have this place done."

Tan looked back to see the hovering limousines pulling up, "By Hierarchy's Rule of Law, I thought I had an hour."

Lara was working as fast as she could move, dashing from one place to the next, rearranging the tables and chairs. By Hierarchy's Rule of Law, I thought I had an hour.

She quickly turned around, "Already!?"

Nicole and Magenta stepped out. They were still radiant and glowing. The street lit up with their beauty and their love.

Nicole walked in, "Sorry to barge in like this. I hope you don't mind."

"I'm uhh almost done need another 15 min and this place will be finished." Lara said as she lifted a heavy table and moved it to a different spot. She started feeling something in her shoulder tear, suddenly pain shot through her shoulder. Lara stopped and stood there, hoping nobody noticed. "One more table and I'll be done." she lifted another heavy table only to feel more pain. 'Almost there Lara keep going' she told herself.

William saw her moving these tables by herself and walked over grabbing the other end to help her move it. "Why didn't you just ask for help?" William commented with a smile

"I usually do this by myself with no problems." Lara replied, "Here." she said putting her end of the table down, she took her hand and felt her shoulder, trying to get the pain to go away.

William gestured to one of his Special Service members who was a field medic and had him look her over

"Ma'am its just a sprain give me just a moment" replied the medic as he ran the sonic massager over the sore spot causing the pain to melt away. "All better" he said looking at the President

"Very good, thank you Lieutenant" William said as the medic melted back into the background

"How are you feeling" William asked

"Better, thank you." Lara replied, "Do you think this is good enough?"

"It looks wonderful, good job on such short notice. Now if you will excuse me I believe the Commodore would like to spend some time with you" William said as he went to head off to visit with Nicole and Magenta

Lara raised her eyebrow as she watched William turn and walk off, "Commodore?" she asked not remembering who that was.

Tan walked over, "That would be me."

The portly Hierarchy clanner walked over.

William makes his way to Nicole and Magenta picking up Brenna "How's my little princess doing" he said smiling while he tickled her "Hope your being good for your mothers or I wont give you the present I have waiting for you when you go back to the Colony.

Brenna looked up, "I got to miss school to come to the wedding. I am overjoyed."

Brenna laughed, "The school is named after some James T. Kirk guy. He must have been tough. His school sure is."

"When do we get the cake.", Brenna asked.

"Your just going to have to wait and see" William said smiling as Amanda showed up. Giving her a kiss Amanda took Brenna's hand and said "Lets go dance while the adults talk"

Nicole walked in with Magenta on one arm and her mother, Tania on the other. She was positively glowing.

William walks up and gives both girls a hug. "I am very happy for you and proud of everything you both have had to overcome. You make this old man proud" he said as he chuckles knowing he isn't much older then them

Nicole kissed him on the cheek, "We love you too and you ain't that damn old."

Magenta leaned in, "It is a honor to finally meet you."

Nicole and Magenta went to find a place to sit down. Nicole poured a glass of wine. Magenta kissed her on the cheek, "I love you, you know."

"I love you too, Magic.", Nikki giggled. They probably have said it 200 times today.

Illyan walked over. Nicole looked up, "Thank you for what you did today."

"I have found a guest.", Illyan smiled.

"Hi, Magenta.", Meadow looked.

"Oh my god!!", Magenta screamed, almost tipping over the table and hugging Meadow.

"And whose this?", Magenta asked.

"This is Owen O'Malley, Executive Officer of the USS Hornady, my new assignment.", Meadow responded.

"Its an honor meet you.", Magenta stuck out her hand.

"Ma'am's " Owen said in his Irish Accent "It is an honor to meet you both and you as well Admiral Coren" a bit nervous to be around such high ranking people.

"Maybe Owen will make an honorable man of me.", Admiral Illyan Coren smiled.

"Not bloody likely.", Meadow laughed.

Owen blushed a bit out of place. "I am honored to be serving aboard the Hornady with your sister. She is wonderful to talk to" still a bit nervous hoping its not broadcasting like a subspace radio

Nicole burst out laughing. She loved that Coren acid tongue.

Meadow looked at Nicole, "I can't believe that Magenta gave up on men for you. You must be an absolute hell cat in the sack."

Magenta looked at Meadow, "Hey..."

William happened to be making his rounds when he heard Meadow and just started busting out laughing "Meadow its good to see you" as he gave her a big hug and who is this young man blushing like a red giant"

"Commander O'Malley sir I am Doctor Meadow's date today and First Officer of the Hornady." He said shocked to be in the presence of William Hunt

"Welcome to New Terra Commander be careful with this one she's a bit feisty" he said teasing Meadow while giving her a smile

Nicole was grateful for William swooping in to save the wedding from becoming a bad scene. Meadow looked at William. She too saw the great calming effect of the President of the Phoenix Federation. Meadow hugged William, "It is great to see you."

Meadow looked at Owen, "Sailor, you better buy me a drink."

"I would love to" Owen replied giving Meadow his arm.

Meadow and Owen headed towards the bar.

Nicole looked up a William, "Thank you, sir."

"She's been though a lot as well just remember that sweetie" William said to Magenta "Those times aboard the Achilles were especially rough. I hope the Commander brings about a good change in her she could use it. I'm sorry about her outburst though"

Magenta looked at William and Nicole, "I will go see her. Every wedding has one of these."

Nicole and William were left standing there as Dr. Skylight Greene, Head of the Dr. Leonard McCoy Institute on the Colony once more and her escort, Dr. Christina Lodge came over. The tension was huge. Skye was brought down by William and his subspace broadcast. She had been humbled and was now back in the hospital helping people where she should be.

She looked at William and then at Nicole, "Congratulations, Vice Admiral Branson."

"Thank you.", Nicole smiled. The tension was huge.

Skye looked at William, "You have done well here, Mr. President."

Her voice seemed sincere.

"Doctor it is good to see you and welcome to the home of the Phoenix Federation" William said being as polite as possible not wanting to ruin Nicole's and Magenta's big day.

"Thank you sir.", Dr. Greene responded. She screwed up and it was her who would have to live with it.

Tania Branson came over. She looked a bit shaken. Nicole looked up, "What's the matter?"

"Dr. Blackwell returned to the Tanmesad after the ceremony. She did not want to come here. She was shaken by the wedding.", Tania explained.

"Don't worry. This is a celebration!", Nicole smiled.

It seemed to ease her mother's spirit. Brenna came running over, "Gramma!!"

Her timing could not be more perfect.

Nicole smiled. She was a special little girl. Tania was soon twirling her around. Her trouble were long forgotten.

William was watching this going on and smiled.

Nicole took William by the hand and led him up to the bar, "Lara, I want to thank for all of this. It was absolutely wonderful."

Lara smiled, "Your welcome, glad I could be of service to you."

Magenta wheeled out the cake, "One more thing to go."

Magenta took Nicole's hand as the pair cut a single piece of cake. There was a lot of clapping and cheers.

Magenta looked at Nicole as Nicole held the piece of cake. She could see it in her eyes. She knew of the tradition.

"Don't even think about it.", Magenta growled.

Nicole raised the cake up. She faked smashing it into Magenta. Magenta ducked and everyone laughed.

Nicole giggled. Meadow snuck up behind her and pulled her hand smashing the cake into Nicole's own face, "Now you are a Coren."

Nicole looked at Meadow and burst out laughing. It was a shared experience for all the girls and a notice from Meadow that she had accepted Nicole.

Nicole cleaned her face and Magenta licked her cheek. Everyone laughed and cheered.

Nicole picked up a bit of cake and flung it at William.

"Hey now taking some of the cake that hit him and tossed it back at the girls" laughing while he did it.

Nicole burst out laughing. This was a side of William that she rarely got to see lately with the horrors of the Phoenix Liberation. He was the grand patriarch of the USS Wrath of Achilles. He was a hero of the Federation but lately he had not smiled enough. She was so happy to bring that joy to him.

Brenna picked up a piece of cake and tossed it hitting Meadow Coren right in the back; right in the center of her dress whites. The whole crowd went totally silent expecting the "Auntie" to go off the deep end.

Meadow turned around. She picked up a piece of cake, "Come here, you little bugger.", she laughed.

Her laughter filled the room. The place erupted as she chased little Brenna around the room. Meadow picked up her cake and went to throw it at little Brenna. She hit Owen straight in the face.

Brenna looked back and covered her mouth. Meadow knelt down on her knees and hugged little Brenna, "Save me, Brenna. Save me."

Everyone laughed.

Owen was surprised when the cake smacked him in the face he laughed and rushed towards Meadow picking her and Brenna in each arm and gives em both a hug. Putting Brenna down he looks into Meadows eyes and starts to tickle her.

Kayla entered the doors, "Nuts I'm late." she mumbled to herself. She watched everyone having a good time, laughing, playing, and throwing cake at eachother.

William saw Kayla enter the room and gestured for her to come over and join them

Kayla was a bit nervous, she didn't know anyone. She slowly made her way over to where William was standing, "Mr. President." she acknowledged.

"Kayla" William replied. Allow me to make some introductions. Vice Admiral Nicole Branson and her wife Lieutenant Commander Magenta Coren-Branson, Nicole's mother Commander Tania Branson, Magenta's parents Rear Admiral Eugenio Coren and Commander Elizabeth Coren, My good friend Commodore Tan of the Hierarchy, Commander Owen O'Malley of the USS Hornady, and my adopted daughter Doctor Meadow Coren" giving Eugenio and Elizabeth a smile, "this little Angel tugging at my shirt is my adopted Niece Brenna " as he picked her up in his arms giving her a hug. We are all a big family here in the Phoenix Federation and one your now apart of. Everyone this is Gunnery Sergeant Kayla Silverfox, she is one of the agents assigned to protect me" he said reaching over and giving Kayla a hug while still holding Brenna.

Kayla smiled at them all, "It's very nice to meet you all." She said still nervous and not knowing what to do or how to react.

Nicole looked up giggling. She smiled, knowing how un-professional the Deputy Commander in Chief looked, "It is nice to meet you too, Gunnery Sergeant."

"Would you like some cake?", Nicole laughed.

"No thanks." Kayla shook her head.

"Have some cake Gunny its good" William replied still with a bit of cake left on him

Kayla raised her eyebrow when she saw the cake on his face, "Okay."

Nicole grabbed Magenta by the head and headed for the bar. Little Brenna followed close behind.

Nicole climbed on the stool and then up on the bar. She klinked her wine glass a couple of times.

"Isn't it the human custom for us as guests to do that to see you kiss.", Commodore Tan hollered.

Nicole obliged, kissing Magenta as more glasses klinked and everyone laughed.

"Um...", Nicole cleared her throat.

"I would like to thank Admiral William Hunt for making this all possible.", Nicole began.

Everyone clapped. Magenta leaned over, "It's President Hunt now."

Nicole giggled. She was a bit tipsy by now. "Oh yeah, President Hunt."

Laughter filled the room once more.

"I would like to thank Lara Foxx, my new friend for putting this all together. You are a dear.", Nicole looked down at Lara.

"I would like to thank the Fireside Lounge. This is a wonderful place and should be the meeting place for the Phoenix Federation and not some stoggy conference room.", Nicole blabbered on.

Some grumbling came from the crowd, not about the lounge but about the silly wedding speech.

"Ok. I will close off with two thing: Magenta Coren-Branson, I love you.", Nicole swooned.

Magenta smiled, "I love you too Nikki."

"And thank god for sound proof rooms, I have not seen her in a week!", Nicole laughed.

Everyone left the wedding with a renewed feeling of warmth and joy. A feeling that had not engulfed the Phoenix Federation since the magic of the Phoenix Liberation.

Posted by:

All members of the Senior Staff of New Terra
with outside input from
Senior Staff of the Phoenix Colony
In service to:
The Phoenix Federation
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