Admiral T'Ora has been petitioning to assume command of Starfleet now that she controls the Betazoid Alliance and moreso the Dilithium trade. T'Ora has become very ambitious and very dangerous.
Christine walked into the Governor's Office, "The Capital City? How the f**k does that happen?"
Nicole looked up, "What?"
"The Vulcan Intellectual Continuity Movement has suggested that New Cyndrial should serve as the capital of the Vulcan controlled Betazoid Alliance. The reason being that Admiral T'Ora does not wish to anger the houses of Betazed. How the hell does this happen to you? You perform badly. No worse, you suck and now you have even more power. How does this keep happening?", Christine looked at Nicole.
Nicole looked up, "I did not even know ths was going to happen."
"Does Viceroy know?", Christine looked at Branson.
"How would he know when I did not even know?", Nicole looked at the reporter.
Posted by:
Christine T'Nley
Betazoid Entertainment Technologies
Special Guest Appearance by
Nicole Branson
King's Fleet