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 They Will Not Leave

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Vincent Viceroy

Posts : 4348
Join date : 2008-12-29
Age : 56

They Will Not Leave Empty
PostSubject: They Will Not Leave   They Will Not Leave EmptyMon Feb 16, 2015 7:32 pm

"You people are idiots if you think the cold will stop them.", T'Arren looked at T'Ros. It was odd for the small time Mayor to speak so harshly to the regional Romulan Praetor.

"These people lived in f**king igloos when Grace Gra"Naarg burned their city to the ground. If you destroy the climatology institute, you will only strengthen their resolve to stay here.", T'Arren turned to her own sister, T'Sir, pleading for help.

"The only persons who will be hurt if you turn the colony back to the snow packed mess that it was prior to the Climate Control, the only people you will be hurting is us. The Klingons will be fine in Reykja Qam'Chee and you will not break the spirit of the colonists.", T'Arren's voice grew even louder.

"I believe this is the best option.", Praetor T'Ros looked at the Romulans in the room.

"We will have to abandon the city of Rhodes. It is not equipped to deal with the extreme cold.", T'Arren lectured.

"Further evidence that the colonists of Reykja Penthe will also abandon the territory and we will restored the climate control and return with a base of operations very close to the Klingon theatre.", T'Ros looked at the room filled with Romulans.

"Inform Starfleet of our intentions. Inform them that we believe that the colony of Reykja Penthe is being used to spy on the Romulan Star Empire. Inform them of our knowledge of the nose cone of the Wasp Class USS Rhythm Dennsyon. Inform them that if they impede our attack on the Center, we will inform the media that Admiral Monica Montgomery and Admiral Harper Madison conspired to assist the regional fleet command in violation of the Romulan Peace Accord. They will both have to resign. They will not risk their political careers to stop such an attack.", Praetor T'Ros ordered.

"This is a mistake.", T'Arren snapped.

"Do it.", the Romulan ordered.

On February 15, 2395, the Romulan Star Empire allegedly in defence of their own territory and for the protection of the citizens of Romulus and its colonies launched an unprovoked attack on the Younger Academy Climate Control Center killing all inhabitants and ending climate control of the freezing cold planetoid of Reykja Penthe.

The United Federation of Planets and President Alexander Laree issued a stern statement condemning the attack as unprovoked and unnecessary and offered his sincere condolences to the friends of family of those who served in the facility.

The Romulan Star Empire offered asylum to the inhabitants of the city of Rhodes, the Romulan City State on the colony of Reykja Penthe and free passage to anyone of any race wishing to leave the freezing cold planet claiming that the attack had nothing to do with the colonists but instead about the protection of the Romulan Star Empire from potential terrorist attacks out of the colonies.

Praetor T'Ros was pleased when several persons asked for passage back to the Cardassian Union but was not pleased with any of the other races. She expected a strong resolve to leave the return to freezing cold temperatures.

T'Arren Suran walked into the offices of the Praetor on Romulus to announce that she had accepted a position in the Younger Academy to teach Romulan culture to the future service men and women in the King's Fleet. She glared at Praetor T'Ros, "You have made a huge miscalculations. These people will resolve now more than ever to stand up to the Romulans and the Klingons and even to the Federation. They will not leave."

"They will leave. They will not endure another year in the extreme cold.", Praetor T'Ros predicted.

"They will not leave.", T'Arren laid a PADD on the table for the Romulan Praetor to see.

T'Ros looked at the image of Governor Branson standing in the snow and glared at the Romulan defector walking out of the room.

Posted by:

Christine T'Nley
RBC Correspondant
Reykja wej'veQ
King's Fleet

Nicole Branson
Reykja Penthe
King's Fleet
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