"In here, darling.", Christine smiled at the knock on her door. She removed her shirt and was removing her bra when...
Lucinda Pan'Taar came walking around the corner. Christine gasped, "What the hell do you want?"
"Peace, Christine. I want to work with you to broadcast jointly from the cha'paj and the wej'veQ. If we work together, we could provide additional and more in depth coverage.", the Tellarite explained.
"Please, child. I have been betrayed by you and by Brittany Brown too many times.", Christine looked at Lucinda.
"I agree. I was part of that. I just want to learn from the master. Your broadcasts are often re-aired on FBN. You are considered the voice of the region. I want this exposure. Like my people, I believe the Tellarites have been neglected in importance in the Federation.", Lucinda looked at Christine.
"I admire your chops, kid and admire your gumption coming over here. I however think you will need to earn your chops the old fashion way. Yourself!", Christine responded.
Christine finished her evening editorial and was walking back to her quarters. Christine activated the HUD to watch Lucinda's evening broadcast. The Tellarite belittled Christine's intelligence, her reporting and her efforts and asked if this was who wanted to get the news from.
Lucinda showed the memory engram capture from her own eyes as she walked into Christine's quarters that morning. Christine was mortified, "That little bitch!"
Bell was walking towards her and smiled, "You look fine to me."
Christine frowned. Bell smiled, "Stay the high road."
Posted by:
Christine T'Nley
RBC Reporter
Reykja wej'veQ
King's Fleet