Lucinda's first gala overage as the only CBS reporter was the Christine T'Ansley selection as the executive officer of the wej'veQ. Like Christine, Lucinda was taken in by the glitz of reporting on the personal lives of the celebrity culture of the colonists.
Lucinda went live reporting on a brutal fight between sniper Chicago Todd and General Tanus. The sniper known by her call sign "Chick" had been flirting with several soldiers. Tanus was pissed off at not being the focus of her attention.
The Gorn went over to the bar. He listened to Matio Kira describing guerilla tactics to the bartender. Tanus could help but comment. Special forces was his forte. Soon Matio and Tanus were talking tactics. Lanec came over and bitched about the cross dressing Bajoran not spending time with him. The Gorn stood up dwarfing the Andorian in size. Lanec left but he warned Tanus to stay away from Matio.
The gala event ended late in the evening. Lucinda went to see Christine to thank her for accepting the fleet position to allow her to fulfill her dream. Christine thought it was Bell and responded, "In here, Darling."
Lucinda walked around the corner.
Lucinda got full view of the Vulcan-Romulan hybrid waiting for her Antican mate.
Lucinda had the perfect image to end her paparazzo broadcast and stole the very words that Christine T'Nley used to describe Nicole Branson.
"Do you want this woman responsible for your safety?"
Posted by:
Lucinda Pan'Taar
Camelot Broadcasting System
Reykja wej'veQ
King's Fleet