A Post By Commander Acrylos Teero
Location: Veltkamp Village
Timeline: After a minor house fire
I have always held out hope that my brother Laaker would outgrow his troubles with the law on Bajor and with the Bajoran Militia. Aboard the USS / CGV Tanmesad, Laaker became a pretty damn good engineer and an accomplished pilot under the tutelage of Glinn T'Zohl of Vulcan.
I invited him here to the Omega Colony to help manage the damage potential created by the United Federation of Purists (UFP), a fundamentalist anti-traditional Federation group noted for attacks on the Cardassians, Bajoran and Romulans here on Outpost 294. I have kept Laaker in the loop on the power potential of the awesome Omega Core which we will continue to refer to as the Geo-Thermal Energy Source to prevent any other government in the region from learning of the existence of the Omega Molecule at the core of the Omega Planet.
Laaker did not disappoint using the massive energy available to create what will ever after be known as the Laaker Line, a powerful force field, first used to protect the broadcast energy devices necessary for the construction of the Veltkamp Village.
The shield allows Star Fleet Marines to safely patrol the corridor without a single risk to the energy source used to provide the very, very fast construction that has become a symbol of the Nicole Branson era on the Omega Colony. Though more famous in subspace as the partner in the "Brandy's Candy" scandal, the true legacy of Rear Admiral Nicole Branson is in her ability to arrange first credit and then the Star Fleet Engineering crews necessary to build cities in literally weeks instead of years.
The Laaker Line was seen for its military application until a minor fire in a construction workers home in the corridor of the Veltkamp Village resulted in the death of a child. Laaker was furious as Public Works Damage Control Officer. Through his excellent design and through the awesome power of the Omega Core, the Laaker Line is now applied to all private residences in both Omega Prime and the Veltkamp Village. Once an alarm is activated, the force field will activate to protect property, life and the environment. The results are positively awesome.
His work is exemplary on this project and should be noted. Despite the scandals that plague our mayor, her overwhelming support helps us get this work done.
Posted by:
Commander Acrylos Teero
Public Works Commissioner
Omega Prime
Construction Supervisor
Veltkamp Village
Outpost 294
Lieutenant Commander Laaker Teero
Damage Control Officer
Omega Prime
Outpost 294