As rumors abound over which student will replace Cinnamon Leo as head of the Student Body, the daring launch of the USS Queen Elizabeth II was a sight for the colony to gravitate around.
Colonist around cheered wildly at the coverage of the incident described in the logs of Vice Admiral Nicole Branson and covered by the Omega News Network. I was very happy to see all the work by General Smith and his staff not go to waste.
Captain S'Nii of the USS Paul Revere has assumed command and will look after the shakedown in space. The sooner she can get the job done, the sooner the colony can have the ship at her disposal.
The selection of Lt. Magenta Coren as the Executive Officer was one of convenience more than qualification. She was in the right place at the right time. Magenta and student Cinnamon Leo are a big part of getting the Queen Elizabeth off the ground and deserve a lot of credit.
I wish it were otherwise, but I have learned that the media has not changed in 300 years. ONN gets its biggest ratings from criticism of the government, talking politics and from celebrity watching. I have sold my soul but I went out to try to see how our illustrious MLA Nicole Branson was dealing with the fact that her new girlfriend is in space and the colony is in a mess.
I reluctantly post the picture knowing that I would hate it if someone took my picture leaving the school after dropping of my child.
She looks very beautiful. Magenta has refurbished the Vice Admiral.
Posted by:
Christine T'Nley
Omega News Network
Phoenix Colony
Phoenix Fleet