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 Twisted Double Crosses

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Vincent Viceroy

Posts : 4348
Join date : 2008-12-29
Age : 56

Twisted Double Crosses Empty
PostSubject: Twisted Double Crosses   Twisted Double Crosses EmptySun Jun 27, 2010 6:12 am

Vincent and Nicole walked onto the Operations Platform of the Jupiter Station, "Is Shianna okay?"

Anna looked at Vincent, "No thanks to you."

Vincent looked at her, "This is bigger than you too."

Vincent looks at Commodore Tan, "What news do you have?"

"The Astronauts are at play once again. The USS Washington moved to the edge of the Typhon Expanse this morning. FBN and ONN have confirmed that Commodore Paige is in charge of Star Base 185 and the Federation Phoenix Federation Strategy.", Tan reported.

Nicole looked at Vincent, "Cole Porter has confirmed that he will run for Governor once again. Dr. Chikace Larle has also announced that she will enter the race."

"There is another.", Summer walked over with a PADD.

"Dr. Magenta Coren has confirmed her application to be governor.", Summer explained.

"What?", Nicole snapped.

"Yeah, your girlfriend could be your boss, can you handle that?", Summer poked fun at Nicole. Nicole was furious. Why didn't Magenta tell her. Why did she wait for Nicole to leave for the Station to make the announcement.

"Can't handle your girlfriend?", Vincent looked at Nicole.

"You are one to talk.", Summer looked at Tan.

"What?", Vincent looked at Summer.

"You get in bed with Cleveland Powers to assume power on the colony only to have the Dogfather announce his candidacy for Governor.", Summer loved to have scored one on Vincent.

"What!", Vincent shouted.

Vincent walked over to the console, "Commodore Viceroy to Cleveland Powers, Respond."

Vincent's tone was very stern.

"Commodore, to what do I owe this honor.", Cleveland sipped wine sitting with Zek Ishka and of all people Tabrine Mandu, the Mayor of Cairo.

"What the hell is going on?", Vincent demanded.

"Commodore, you should know me by now. There is always a back up plan. The Federation wants control of the Omega Sands. There is no doubt of that. They are simply able and willing to offer more than you. Enjoy your brief term as Governor.", Cleveland started to laugh.

With the Caitians and Anticans, Cleveland Powers may be able to take the seat. Powers would give up the colony to the Federation. The tension was very real now.

Posted by:

Commodore Vincent Viceroy
Military Commander In Chief
Phoenix Colony
Phoenix Federation

Vice President Nicole Branson
Phoenix Federation

Anna Baxton
Civilian Shuttle Pilot - Governor Station
Phoenix Colony
Phoenix Federation

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