Vreenak was reassigned to the Da Vinci to help spearhead the mission to save the Colony from the Klingons. Unsure as to why Hunt made him stay in a cloaked ship while people did what he wanted to but he's the President and as crazy as his ideas sound they usually always work. As he entered the briefing room he looked and saw the Mission Commander sitting at the table going over some last minute notes. "How go the preparations Colonel" he asked as he took a seat on the other side of the table.
"Everything is going great Captain we should be ready for a low altitude insertion by drop ship. We are considering where to drop ourselves out at" said Colonel McKnight sliding the wide screened P.A.D.D that had an overhead map of the Phoenix Colony.
Looking over the map he considered where they could do the most damage and then just disappear but not have any civilian casualties since the fight was not with the people of the Colony but the Klingons that are occupying it. "Colonel I would recommend Wells City it's the fleet's retirement city and will probably be considered a low priority location by the Klingons. Wells had a bunker built inside the mountains to the north of the city that you can use as a base of operations and you should be able to access the encrypted C5ISR network that was established on the plant when the Liberation Wars started as an emergency management system. Few on the planet even know about it. I believe Vincent, Wells, and Nicole are the only ones that know Hunt had this put in. We will use this network to help encrypt all burst transmissions from your team to this ship. We will also try to use it to help organize a resistance force on the planet." Vreenak replied tapping his command authorization and unlocking the information about the bunker for McKnight to review.
"This will be perfect sir thanks" he said as he added the information to his briefing.
"Good luck Colonel and may you and your team come back to us safely. We will be arriving at the colony in two hours." Vreenak said as he got up and left the room not saying how much he wished he was going with.
Two Hours Later, Near the Phoenix Colony.
Vreenak watched on his view screen as the dark drop ship disembarked and started to streak towards the colony. "Send a message to the President and inform him of our arrival and may god have mercy on all our souls."
Merken Vreenak
Acting Captain, U.S.S. Da Vinci
Black Dragon Task Force
New Terra / Phoenix Colony
Jacob McKnight
Colonel, Team Leader, Special Recon Team (SRT)
New Terra Defense Force
New Terra